March update from Los Palacios

Publié dans Charité

4 Mar
March update from Los Palacios image 1

We seem to be on a bit of a roller coaster at the present. After submitting the last article referring to our bucket collections and library the situation changed overnight with further lockdowns and restrictions. 

During this time however our volunteers did not sit idle but went out individually working on the roads and park areas. The roses in the memorial park have all been cut back , thanks to Joan and Maggie; Jock and Brian have been out sweeping and cleaning the roads to keep the area looking nice and tidy. Tony has been out clearing up the possession caterpillars, and now that two people can meet up our palm troopers are back out again trimming the trees.

During this time the Council have been busy on Camposol and on A we now have a new play area for the children. This is situated opposite the Medical Centre. All of Camposol use the Medical Centre and I am sure you will agree our volunteers do keep this area looking very nice. The play area is a lovely addition and as well providing a facility for our local children it will be nice for when we have family visiting with young children (whenever that will be! . Hopefully in the not too distant future).

At the time of writing we have the bars open again, albeit only on the terraces at present. It is nice to see people sitting outside again having a coffee and hopefully things will continue for our local bars who have had a very difficult time over the past year.

We also have permission to open our library on a Friday again which we are very pleased about. Hopefully this will still be the case. Our opening times are from 10.30 to 12.30. So if you are now getting low on reading material pay us a visit and look through our large selection of books.

We are always looking for new recruits so if you have a few hours to spare why not join our group. You do not have to be a gardener, we are a Community Group as well so there are other ways you could help.

If you wish to contact us our email is and we have a post box in the post room on A under number 915 “Los Palacios Gardening Group”.

Let us hope that the situation continues to improve and we thank you all for your continued support.

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