Being Kind Can Help Your Age More Gracefully

Inlagd i Awareness

4 Mar
Being Kind Can Help Your Age More Gracefully image 1

According to Studies Being Kind Can Help Your Age More Gracefully

Some studies on the topic of kindness have shown that people who are kind to others have a lower risk of developing anxiety and depression which is a remarkable thing. In addition to this, kindness has been shown to slow down the aging process as well, helping you age with grace. Can you imagine that a simple act of kindness can actually have so many benefits for your health? And the best thing is that it won’t cost you a penny, all you need to do is open the door for someone or help them load their shopping and you’ll make someone’s day. But the benefits don’t end there, it’s not just the person you’re being kind to that benefits from this act, you too will feel better for being kind to them. Can you imagine what a different world we’d have if people would just be kinder to each other? Kindness is actually contagious and it can spur others into action as well, motivating them to be kinder as well. But what does being kind really mean? It’s not about the big things, it’s about being friendly, considerate, compassionate and generous to the people around you, even to complete strangers. It’s a sentiment that should come from a selfless place and not because you expect them to return the favour. You should do it because you want the world to be a happier place and it’s quite simple to adopt this mindset if you really think about it. If every person was to perform one simple act of kindness a day, the world would be such a harmonious place, can you imagine it? Even if you’re not used to being kind or you don’t know where to start, you’ll get the hang of it quite easily. Start by opening the door for someone, smiling at everyone as you pass them by, give someone a compliment, donate to a charity or pick up the rubbish on your street and over time it will come naturally to you. Kindness Has Numerous Health Benefits And Slows Down Aging Being kind to others can significantly improve your physical, mental and emotional health and if that wasn’t enough, it can also help you slow down aging. It can help you lower your blood pressure, it boosts the feel good hormones, it boosts happiness, reduces pain and eliminates feelings of anxiety and depression. But how does it slow down aging? A University in America conducted a randomised controlled trial which revealed that people who engage in loving-kindness meditation actually age slower. The trial included 142 adults which were divided into 3 groups: people who did loving-kindness meditation, people who took mindfulness medication classes and a control group. All three groups participated in a 6-week workshop and at the end of the study the scientists measured their telomeres (the protective caps of chromosomes which as we age wear down and shorten thus preventing more damage). Why are these telomeres important for the aging process? Well, because according to studies, the shorter the telomeres the higher the risk of some common health problems, the longer they are the higher the life-span. The trial revealed that the people who were involved in the loving-kindness mediation lost the least telomeres length, followed by the mindfulness mediation group and the control group lost the most telomere length. They added that the loving-kindness meditation may act as a buffer for telomere attrition which in turn can help you slow down the aging process. There are so many benefits to being kind that include improving your mental health, lowering the stress levels, lowering anxiety and now it seems that it slows down aging. This is just the tip of the iceberg as scientists are just now starting to study the whole scope of benefits of kindness and its effects on the aging process but the initial results seem promising. Regardless of everything, a simple act of kindness doesn’t cost a thing, so why don’t we try and do it more often? Drop us an email to info@the-journal. es or call Costa Calida Radio on 603 304 121 and tell us about an act of kindness you have received.

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