Noahs Arc Update

Inlagd i Välgörenhet

4 Mar
Noahs Arc Update image 1

Noah’s Arc

Like most charities, Noah’s Arc have also been “hit” quite hard with all the restrictions, but thankfully their loyal

helpers ensure that they just keep on going! They are in desperate need of donations to be able to continue with what they do. Their van can pick up large items, please call the shop on their NEW number. 711016236.

As one of the longest and most estab- lished animal charities in the region, Noah’s Arc have suffered quite badly over the past year.

Apart from donations to the shop, and shop takings they have lost income. Less people have been out and about, so their shop has seen far fewer visi- tors than usual, which has also re- sulted in fewer donations.

The popular Friday stall and their fa- mous cake stall has also had to be put on hold until the current restrictions are over.

Noah’s Arc as an organisation remain, totally committed to the cause, and their loyal helpers are ensuring, that they will “get through this”! A huge thank you this month goes to Marley’s Dog Park, who have offered Noah’s Arc the following.

For every visitor to the dog park, (cost is €10.00), they will donate €2.50 to Noah’s Arc for a whole week. A big thank you to them as “every lithelps”

The following dogs are in need of their “forever” home, can you be that spe- cial person?

MO who is approximately 4 years old and through no fault of his own was returned to Noah’s Arc when his adopters went back to the U.K leav- ing him behind.

WIDGET was rescued from the El Saladillo area in Mazarron. He weighs about 7 kilos, has been castrated and is “up to date” with his injections and is in good health. He walks well on his lead and puts himself to bed at night! Widget is also totally house trained.

SCOOBY DOO is 5 years old, and simply loves to play. His favourites are squeaky toys. He is well be- haved and sits on command. All these lovely animals are neutered and fully vaccinated.


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