August Dear Readers....

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4 Aug
August Dear Readers.... image 1

Dear Readers,

 August is upon us with a vengeance. The heat is a mixture of both beautiful and exhausting to us all. With the ever-changing rules and conditions attached to the pandemic, we have all just worked our lives around it. Some things we can change and some we can’t. What we can make a difference with is our environment.

August brings us Marine awareness month. Marine life and oceans are a huge and essential part of our lives. If everyone does just a small bit, our environment and our own lives will be dramatically improved. Just take that second to think, go green, go paperless, recycle, one use plastic and many more environmental initiatives are available to help us help the world we live in and enjoy. The Journal is environmentally aware, with the type of paper and ink used as well as heavily encouraging the electronic subscription (rather than hard copies) so that you receive The Journal online, whether to help the environment or because you have a holiday home and would like to keep up to date with the area while you are not here. Subscribe on our website.

It is also CBD awareness month, left handers day (caggy handed as they love to be referred to and more intelligent as they claim….claims my partner??!) and many more unmentioned. It gives us all a sense of perspective about the huge diversity that surrounds us.

On a different note, as the rules continue to change and freedom of movement achievable, we have an obligation to all not to become complacent in our lives in these difficult times.

Please also remember that we have live flight trackers on our website so you can stay up to date with visitors arriving and departing.

On that note I will leave you to read and enjoy………

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