April Gardening

Posted in Garden

31 Mar
April Gardening image 1

What to do in the garden in April

April’s a busy time in the garden, so make sure you dodge the sofa and get planting.

Plants and Flowers

  • Lift, divide and plant herbaceous perennials To find out more about growing perennial plants.
  • Plant summer-flowering bulbs now, such as Lilies, Gladiolus and Freesias.
  • Tie in climbing and rambling roses to their supports. Laying the stems more horizontally encourages heavy flowering.
  • Direct-sow hardy annual seeds now in well-prepared soil for colourful summer flowers. Mark out areas for each type of flower with sand or twigs then sow your hardy annuals in rows within these areas. Thin out the seedlings as they grow to allow a final spacing of about 15-30cm depending on the plant’s eventual size.
  • Brighten up your patio with bedding plants used in hanging baskets, containers and flower pouches.
  • Now is your last chance to order plug plants online for vibrant colour this summer.

Fruit and Veg

  • Sprinkle a slow-release fertiliser around the base of your strawberry plants, raspberry canes, fruit trees and fruit bushes, followed by a mulch of well-rotted manure or compost for bumper crops this year.
  • Continue to plant out your chitted potatoes into potato grow bags or in the ground. Plant the tubers with the sprouts upright and at a depth of 10-15cm.
  • Take the hassle out of sowing seeds and order our ‘Sweet Aperitif’ tomato plants for your summer salads this year!
  • Now is also your last chance to order vegetable plants such as cucumbers, dwarf beans and courgettes.
  • Tree, Shrubs and Grasses
  • Now is the time to move evergreen shrubs and trees if desired, although make sure the soil isn’t waterlogged or frozen. Try to take as much of the root ball as you can to help the plant establish quickly in its new home.
  • Mulch around your trees, shrubs and perennials to help retain moisture in the soil during dry weather.


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April’s a busy time in the garden, so make sure you dodge the sofa and get planting.