Wednesday 4th March – Come and meet our members and volunteers for a chat and a cup of coffee or tea at our Coffee Morning at the Drop in Centre 11am to 1pm.
Friday 6th March and Friday 20th –March Our popular fortnightly Chair Exercising, 10.30am to 11.00am at our Drop in Centre. Half an hour of gentle but effective exercises to music, guided by Doris through some muscle exercise and gentle stretching which you can continue in your own home. Free to our over 50 age group, so why not come for a coffee and a chat and give this a try.
Friday 13th March - our next TABLE TOP SALE outside Mercer's office (sector B) 9.00am to 12.45pm, come along and check out our bargains. We are always pleased to have your support by bringing your bric-a-brac and any other useful items.
Wednesday 18th March – Afternoon Tea at the Drop in Centre, 2pm to 4pm. Please come for tea or coffee, delicious home-made cakes and pastries, lots of friendly company and fun activities. Only €2.00.
Friday 20th March – Chair Exercises, see above.
Wednesday 25th March – Welcome Group Ladies Night with the customary Fashion Show with our Age Concern models. Fun evening with free Bingo and Raffle, numerous stalls, live music and dancing to Byron G. Doors open 7.30pm, Tickets available from the Welcome Group €5.00. Tel:697960590
Wednesday 1st April - Menú del Día. As the Welcome Group Ladies night is on the last Wednesday of March we have moved the date of our monthly Menú del Día at Boca Pizza in Puerto de Mazarrón. (No, not an April Fools' Joke!) Tickets available from the Drop in Centre €11.00.
Monday 16th March - Friday 20th March – 2020 VALENCIA FALLAS. We have a couple of rooms available for this fabulous festival to 'Welcome in the Spring' covering 4 nights & 5 days at the Expo Hotel. €360 B&B per person based on 2 sharing includes coach. This is the main holiday week of the year for Valencia. Please phone Pat Firth on 665 491 077 for more information and a full programme of events for this highlight of the Valencia year.
Calle Valencia 12, Camposol A
Tel: 634 344 589
OPENING HOURS: Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 10am to 1pm
Enquiries - 634 344 589 (10am – 4pm Mon – Fri)
Events - 634 336 484 (10am – 4pm Mon – Fri)
Equipment Loan - 634 306 927 (10am – 4pm Mon – Fri)