Aguilas Carnival 2020

Posted in Lifestyle

29 Jan
Aguilas Carnival 2020 image 1

The Carnival...

… with over 200 years of history, was declared in January 2015 Festival of International Tourist Interest

Historical sources lead us to the founding of the city of Aguilas in times of the King Carlos III , XVIII century, when they held the carnival celebrations in the Court of Madrid and the rest of Spain. Since then, this celebration has continued uninterrupted to this day.

Over the course of the two weeks, grand parades where music, revelry and joy mingle in a difficult environment to describe, "shells" and "Cuerva" , which it is the typical drink of our party, as traditional elements. a great cocktail of emotions, able to enliven even the character more introverted, making the foreign feel aguileño for a few days, because if anything characterizes this population is the enormous hospitality.

The various story lines and battles behind the Carnival are displayed with extravagantly colourful and ornate costumes, floats, dance and eggs.

During the past years Águilas Carnival has developed into an extravaganza that offers two differing experiences of the same event: The "Carnival by Day", where luxury and beauty reigns in the spectacular nature and colouring of the carnival groups and floats and the "Carnival by Night" with its spontaneity, wittiness, and popular roguery.

Competition of Paper Suits:

The paper suit competition is growing yearly into one of the fiesta’s highlights. Because of the fragility of the materials used, these suits are presented In a closed area where you can properly appreciate the materials and detail of their construction.

To enjoy the experience to the full, please see the programme of events.

Photo from 1903

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