Bob's Trail's February

Posted in Lifestyle

4 Feb
Bob's Trail's February image 1


There are many beautiful routes on all sides off the Carrascoy mountain. One of the best places to start exploring the area is in the Urbanization of Torre Guil, he had a large parking area, a information hut in peak times and very well marked out routes. The urbanization is located off of the RM-603 between El Palmar and the RM-2 Alhama. Take the turning off the RM-603 and following the road until you arrive at the security entrance of the Urb. Torre Guil, just tell them you are there for walking and they will open the barrier. Follow the road to the right through the Urb. until you arrive at the visitors car park on the left with the information booth. The route in the photos is the Pico Del Aguila , this will take you past a recreational area called El Majal Blanco and onto the peak of Pico Del Aguila , from here you can see for 360 degree panoramic views of Sierra Espuna, Murcia City and as far out to The Mar Menor. This route will take about 3 hours circular , it can be easily extended by an hour , when passing the Majal Blanco on the return leg , instead of taking a right and returning to the car park follow the signs for Cuevas del Buitre and when you eventually come out on to a road turn right to return to the car park.

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