Dawn Chrous Day

Posted in News

3 May
Dawn Chrous Day image 1

Dawn Chrous Day

Get into the Rhythm of International Dawn Chorus Day.

The wildlife Trusts' International dawn chourus day, is the annual celebration of the world's oldest wake-up call - the dawn chorus - and the beauty of the bird song. Held on the first Sunday in May each year, which falls on May 2rd in 2021.The day is now truly an international event, celebrated as far away as France, Italy, Pakistan, south Africa and New Zealand. In fact, more than eighty different countries have taken part in International Dawn Chorus Day over the years. This is the perfect opportunity to experience the wonders of nature as they gather to listen to the song of hundreds of birds.

The dawn chorus occurs when the birds sing at the beginning of a new day in the warmer countries. it is most noticeable in spring when birds defend a breeding ground, it is common for different species to make their sunrise singing at different times. Birds that perch closer to the canopy and those with larger eyes tend to start singing earlier. This correlation can be caused by the amount of light perceived by the bird. of both its congeners and members of other species. In some areas where there is a large population of vocal birds, the sound of the dawn chorus can seriously complicate sleeping at dawn.

Make sure that you get up in plenty of time before dawn and choose a spot surrounded by nature so that you will be in the perfect position to greet the day and listen to the impressive chorus that accompanies it. Please let us know what birds you hear and see in your area at the-journal.es

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