FMA Friends of Mazarron Animals

Posted in Charity

4 Aug
FMA Friends of Mazarron Animals image 1

Now that we are out of lockdown FMA is slowly starting to introduce a few more ideas and events to their fund raising calendar. To begin our return to ‘the new norm’, we held a very low key mini market to see how we could manage an event whilst keeping within all the current Covid 19 guidelines. It proved to be highly successful with a handful of our friends and supporters, (numbers within guidelines) joining us for a coffee and cake morning. Of course courtesy of our fabulous baker Nicky, there was a lot more than cake to choose from; we are so lucky to have her as part of our team. In addition to the delicious elevenses we had a few FMA stalls for people to peruse; clothes, books, plants and of course some doggy items. With the current ongoing situation we are not sure when the next ‘full’ market will be, so until then, we hope to continue with this mini version of our monthly event. When you read this we will also have held our first musical event at the fabulous new Zambucca Beach, featuring renowned piano player, Bazz Norton. We’ll let you know how it went next month but we know it’s going to be fabulous. As of writing this article one of our dogs, Heidi, is still missing. Lost near the ITV station near Mazarrón town she has recently been spotted on Mazarrón Country Club. Our lovely friend and supporter Maria goes to the area daily to leave food and water, and we cannot be more grateful to her. Please keep looking out for Heidi and let us know as soon as possible of any sightings. Pepe Little was a lot more fortunate. Having managed to escape from his foster home, how, we still don’t know, he was only absent for a day or two. Martine, his previous fosterer, cut short her break in Mojacar and travelled to Mazarron with Pepe’s best friend Benji. Having seen, smelt or heard his chum, Pepe suddenly appeared from the campo and eventually was reunited with everyone. You’ll be pleased to know that he is none the worse for his adventure. We are happy to say that as ever we have been busy with adoptions. As well as some in the local area, another seven of our dogs were homed in the UK and more Galgos were taken to Galgos de Almeria from where they will start their new lives. However, there are still many dogs and cats looking for their forever home. Please look at our album to see who is available. You can find it on Facebook under Friends of Mazarrón Animals; please like our page and keep track of all our wonderful animals and future events. Some of our dogs have been waiting months for new homes; Lucille and Minnie Cooper to name just two. All these dogs and cats have their own stories so please contact us for more information if you are interested in any of our fabulous animals. Any dog, cat, rabbit bird or hamster that comes under our wing are part of the FMA family and always will be. That is why we are always so pleased to receive photos and updates of all our animals that have found forever homes. We hope that you all enjoy seeing them again with their new families and lives. Please keep them coming. We would as ever like to thank all our friends and volunteers for their continued support; without you we could not do what we do. Thank you from the FMA family.

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