Health Care available in Camposol and the surrounding areas.

Posted in News

10 Oct
Health Care available in Camposol and the surrounding areas. image 1

Health Care available in Camposol and the surrounding areas.

There appears to be a little confusion on the health care that is available to all in our region. We are going to try and dispel a few “myths”, as it can be difficult to understand, especially for newcomers who need to have everything in place by 31.12.2020, if they wish to become permanent residents.

The Camposol Centro Salud.

This is the equivalent to our own National Health Service and is available to anyone that qualifies as a pensioner from the U.K, or for Members of the European Union. For British Pensioners, you can join via a form known as the “S1”. Anyone working here legally, and paying into the National Social Security System, can also use this State System. There is also a system known as” Convenio Especial”, where under certain conditions, historically, it has been possible to join the State system by paying into it with a monthly fee. At the time of going to print, our understanding is that anyone currently on this scheme can probably continue, but it was for EU members only, so is not likely to continue after 31.12.2020. For the latest information on this, or any questions relating to health care, translations, or residencia applications, contact Debbie Shaw (see her advert on page 55)

Private Health Insurance

Anyone, wishing to come and live in the region, that does not qualify for the above, will need to have a private health insurance policy in place, so they can legally become full time Residents. Organisations such as Ibex and Salus, (see their advert on page 55 or Ibex Insurance on page 2) can offer these policies. Just call them to make an appointment, or attend the Camposol Health Clinic for advice.

The Camposol Health Clinic

Situated next to the chemist, on Calle Madrid, on sector A, you will find The Camposol Health Clinic. This service offers everything that a private hospital can offer, as they are in full collaboration with one of the top private hospitals in Murcia; the hospital “La Vega”. Within the building in Camposol, however, “in house”, there are 4 general practitioner doctors, 3 nurses, 1 surgeon, 2 physiotherapists and a traumatologist. The team are trying to keep up with the increasing demand, and is expanding on an almost weekly basis. We will keep you updated with all new developments and additional services each month in The Journal local community magazine.

All the appointments can be handled locally, and in your language, currently English, French or Spanish. For many of us, that usually only make use of the “State system”, there are times when it simply makes sense to “pay as you go” for small procedures.

For example, a blood test, or an ear wax removal treatment. Small surgical procedures can also be done in the locally. in the clinic. A good example of this was a man who had a bad cactus wound. He was perfectly entitled to use the State system, however, was referred to the Santa Lucia Hospital for local surgery (68.1km) each way from Camposol and in addition, he would have to pay for a translator. He simply decided to pay and get it resolved locally. He had to have dressings changed 3 times in a week, so he not only saved time, he saved quite a significant amount of money in diesel and vehicle wear and tear.

The clinic is adding more and more services on an almost weekly basis. Including ozone machines in response to the recent Covid19 problems, it has also been very difficult to get to even see your doctor, let alone get a hospital follow up appointment. This facility has therefore been invaluable to many since the lock down in March. Many of us don’t expect to pay for any health care, if you are a fully “paid up” pensioner, and especially those who work and pay into the system, but these are not “normal times” and for many of us, this facility has been absolutely essential. State systems all over the world have been pushed to maximum capacity with this recent pandemic, and they have to concentrate on keeping on top of that, above all else and are not to blame for the current backlog that many of us find ourselves caught up in.

The Camposol Health Clinic has a surprising range of ´top of the range technological equipment´ which include X-Ray machines and eco scanners. This means that simple scans for things such as hernia detection or the size of a prostate gland, can be handled locally with no need for a hospital visit. If a blood test is needed, a PSA check can also be done all within the clinic. Future plans will also include an MRI scanner and a facility to have a mammogram within the clinic itself. Long term, they will be able to offer the equivalent of full “Well Woman” and “Well Man Clinic” facilities, so watch this space for further updates.

The collaboration between The Camposol Health Clinic and The La Vega Hospital in Murcia is unique. It means that any health issue, can be dealt with which could include life threatening conditions such as cancer and any needed chemotherapy and radiotherapy Treatment and very, very quickly. All you need to do is visit a doctor at the clinic and they will organise the rest for you. A recent example of this was a lady who had a serious condition and had a hospital appointment within 48 hours. Some of the staff at La Vega are also all English speaking and very, very professional. For example, an MRI scan can be arranged within 48 hours. You are greeted professionally upon arrival, the appointment time given is accurate. Once the scan is completed, the results are immediate, as they politely ask you to go for a coffee for an hour or so and them return to collect them. Patients will leave with a CD or report, ready to show your doctor. A follow up appointment to review the results can be almost immediate, or can already have been arranged prior to the scan.

The Camposol Health Clinic is not a private health insurance scheme, but a “pay as you go scheme”, with a membership option. This is open to everyone and there are attractive benefits to being a member, when it comes to membership for both priority appointments and discounts on treatments.

Those paying the monthly fee, have unlimited free doctor, nurse or physiotherapist appointments. The treatments are also heavily discounted if you are a member. An example of this could be that you can see the nurse free of charge and only pay €10.00, for example, for an injection or vaccination.

The fees are as follows;

Individual membership €16 per month

Family membership (married or a couple) €27.00 per month

Child under 12 membership €6 per month

The forms are all available from the reception area in the clinic, and are available electronically to send on-line from The Journal website. www

For more information call 968 103 008, email us on or visit the centre at 19 Calle Madrid on sector A Camposol.

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