MABS Cancer Supprot Foundation

Posted in Charity

3 Sep
MABS Cancer Supprot Foundation image 1

As many of you know MABS Costa Calida opened their Respite Home in April 2018 to provide Respite, Rehabilitation and End of Life care to those diagnosed with cancer. Since then we have provided 24 hours care to over 30 patients from around the region. Caring for the very sick is stressful and emotional but last year we began to experience difficulties in obtaining suitable transport for patients needing to come into our Home and after one particularly difficult situation a decision was made to try to purchase a vehicle that could resolve these problems. In March we found the perfect vehicle, made the order and paid the 50% deposit for the adaptations to commence……..then 3 days later Spain entered the State of Emergency and our income stopped abruptly as our shops were closed and our fundraising events were cancelled. We tried to cancel the order but it was too late…….we were committed to the deal. During the Lockdown period we admitted 5 patients into the Home each receiving the 24 hour specialist care they needed and we continued to provide the day to day support we had always done to the 200 people in the Murcia area, including 3 people who were unable to get back to the UK due to the border closures. After Lockdown was relaxed we all breathed a huge sigh of relief as our shops reopened and our fundraising events could begin again. That was until the 23rd when Totana was placed back into Phase 1 and our charity shop in the town was closed yet again. Thankfully, our charity shop in San Javier is remains open. On Thursday 30th July we eventually took delivery of this fantastic adapted vehicle that will be so useful to our regular patients who have mobility problems and those who need the extra support in our Respite Home. It was a bitter sweet moment when we received the car because we needed the vehicle to improve our services but the cost would have helped us through this awful time but we are delighted to have it at our disposal and we know that the benefit it will bring far outweighs the stress it´s purchase caused us. The patients supported by our team in the Calasparra will also benefit from this purchase as the Mazarron car has been sent to the North West group to help them transport patients the 400Km round trip to hospital for treatments and consultations. Yes, our finances are being stretched to the limit at the moment as we find ourselves helping more and more people who have been diagnosed with cancer but in these uncetain times all charities are struggling. We are incredibly grateful that we have had your support in the past that allowed us to make this wonderful purchase and we sincerely hope that you will continue to support us in the future. If you would like to know more about how you can become part of our teams in Mazarron; San Javier or Calasparra or if you would like to organise a fundraising event for us please contact our Volunteer Co-ordinator Jan or call 634 362 954. If you would like to make a donation to MABS our PayPal account is: or a donation can be made at La Caixa Bank to Account No. ES79 2100 6032 8702 0016 8624 Thank you, take care and stay safe.

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