Camposol ‘C’ Green Fingers Gardening and Social Group

Posted in Charity

2 Mar
Camposol ‘C’ Green Fingers Gardening and Social Group image 1

Camposol ‘C’ Green Fingers Gardening and Social Group

This month our Maintenance Team have been weeding, spraying and sweeping the streets each Monday, also clearing & tidying the roundabouts as part of the continuous programme covering C sector North – It is tough work, so if you are nearby when our lads are working in your road and would like to offer them a drink, that would be very welcome, both on cold mornings and as the weather gets warmer! They pick up dog poo from the gravel verges on their way round, too - an unpleasant task; Please clear up after your dogs to prevent flies and infection spreading, thank you.

Many thanks to each Volunteer for turning out this month on some of the coldest mornings we have had for years, we’ve even had thick fog! During the month they have weeded extensively, cleared mud from the roads after more heavy rain, collected donated planters, planted plants and cacti, filled potholes, painted and pruned trees – phew! We welcome anyone who would like to join our slowly growing band of Wednesday morning volunteers, either on a regular or occasional basis (always rewarded with a free breakfast!). Please contact us if you can spare a bit of time and energy, or just turn up at 9am at the Welcome Wall and help improve our area while enjoying the fresh air (very fresh at the moment!) and making new friends in the process. Lower ‘C’ looks nicer every year because of all this hard labour, but also because of the donations you generously give, either regularly to our scheme or just in the buckets; a huge thank you.

Save the date for our Street Party & BBQ on 28th June with DJ Carl Thomas. Please check chalkboards and Facebook groups for any more information.

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