World Book Night

Posted in Lifestyle

31 Mar
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World Book Night

If you’ve never found a book you’ve liked, there’s a good chance that you’ve not tried that many books and World Book Night is here to prove to both children and adults that there are plenty of opportunities to get lost in a good book. Every year, the occasion is coordinated by the Reading Agency, a national charity that aims to help people become confident and enthusiastic readers.

World Book Night celebrates both reading and books every year on April 23rd, when books are distributed throughout the UK to specifically, but not exclusively, reach those who don’t often get the opportunity to read – hospitals, prisons, homeless shelters and care homes are a particular focus. Those who love a good book are asked to give out their own books to similarly affected people in their own communities.

For the past 6 years, World Book Night has also been celebrated in te USA aswell as the UK and Ireland, with almost 50,000 people giving away a million books across the three different contries.

Lets do our bit here in Spain!

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