Horoscope - February

Posted in Lifestyle

31 Jan
Horoscope - February image 1

February - Marion Parmenter

So ... What does February bring for you? This might shed some light on how your sun sign will be effected this month…

Aries ... There is a need to keep the balance between communication and going out to visit people & places as there will be an opposite pull to stay in and be a bit of an introvert. It should be a generally good month for you with the possibility of profound changes if that is your desire. It's a good time to nurture connections with groups and to realise that the groups you mix with are a reflection of you.

Taurus ... Although this can be a time that will be generally beneficial with your energy being expressed in positive and constructive ways, there is a chance of dramatic changes driven by your imagination and romantic desires. Know your capabilities as you may be asked to take on a position or task with a responsibility that may throw you into the limelight.

Gemini ... Generally beneficial for good communications and decision making, there could be times of emotional tension due to you having ambitions and/or dreams that are impractical. But this is a good time to take up a course or stretch yourself with study whether it is for intellectual or for enjoyment. Travel would also be good for you especially if as well as being enjoyable it also broadens the mind.

Cancer ... Beneficial for you especially in the home and around your family. Joint income will be in the spotlight at this time. Nothing good or bad just n area that needs focus There may be a need for a loan or some form of financial backing. This may also be a time for deep reflection and an examination of your feelings.

Leo ... There is a generally good balanced energy this month especially where communications are concerned, or in social affairs or gatherings. However, be aware that there could be emotional tension within your domestic environment and with family. One to one relationships will come to the fore as you will need to examine these intimate relationships making sure that you meet their needs and they yours. It is a time for consultations as well as conflicts and you will learn from both.

Virgo ... This is a time of positive constructive energy which coupled with determination can bring about personal improvement. Conditions within home and family are also especially good. There may be times when you are feeling overworked and a little out of control. Even if you are your own boss, it may not feel like it. Just try to keep on keeping on and do the best you can. You may be concerned with your own health and condition of your body and its needs. Time to examine health and hygiene and how you can improve it but take care not to get obsessed.

Libra ... Your energy should feel balanced and generally good especially around communications, thinking things through and decision making, however, there may be difficulties, delays and obstacles to contend with. It is time to kick back and have some fun. Your attitude to relationships is much lighter at this time but you need to make sure you are not too self-absorbed. It's one thing to be yourself and another to know yourself and this is a time when you can do both.

Scorpio ... You are blessed at this time with positive and constructive energy. Family relationships should thrive as well at this time as they are who you will want to be around. Time to go within feel secure meditate reflect on the past and examine what you do and don't need in your life right now.

Sagittarius ... This should be a time to look at surroundings friends and all with whom you mix with on a day to day basis. ask yourself how well you communicate with them. Do you listen as well as you talk, is there balance and is it a two-way communication. Take care that you don't get carried away with self-interest and your own viewpoints, as this will bring conflicts, confusion and emotional tension. If you find it difficult and it is something important and you are able to defer until a later time please do so.

Capricorn ... There may be opportunities for rewards and benefits towards personal growth and development. All partnerships and opportunities will come from friends. You may feel a need to express yourself and make an impression on others with things that you value and material possessions. There may be a chance for a party and this will be great for both you and your friends. Take care that you don't overdo it so it comes across as being a showoff.

Aquarius ... With the Full Moon in the opposing sign of Leo, you will need to be careful to balance the energy so that you don't get carried away with the attention to self as this could cause emotional tension within partnerships. It is a time though to see what you need to further your position in all areas of your life. If during this month you find it difficult to work with others then defer the work until a bit later if possible. It is important however to fulfill your own needs or you will suffer and be of no use to anyone else.

Pisces ... This is a time for some deep reflection over the recent past and for this you will need peace quiet and solitude. Be honest about self and others. Move away from what or who is not beneficial and hold onto those who bring good to your life. This also includes evaluating your own actions and have a plan to change that which is self-destructive. Don't stay in solitude for too long though.

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