Green Fingers Gardening Group Sector C Camposol

Posted in Charity

1 Apr
Green Fingers Gardening Group Sector C Camposol image 1

Camposol ‘C’ Green Fingers Gardening and Social Group

During March, our volunteers have been planting, weeding, trimming palms, pruning and watering. The container plants and less drought resistant ones have had to be watered regularly and earlier than usual this year because of the mild weather. The landscaping and planting has really improved all the verges and has been paid for with your generous donations to our buckets, thank you! Although we are always appealing for volunteers to work with us on Wednesdays, the current situation with Coronavirus has unfortunately made us temporarily postpone our activities for the foreseeable future. We hope to be out and about again when the situation allows it. Another way to help us at the moment is by leaving any empty 8 litre water bottles with lids and handles at the rear of the Welcome Wall as you pass; we are in need of a few more as watering will continue by isolated volunteers.

Our Maintenance Team continued their regular programme during last month, but they, too, will cease activity for the time being. They have been weeding, sweeping and spraying the streets of ‘C’ North every week; the chemical we use is pet friendly so no danger to animals and will control the lush regrowth as Summer starts. If you own a home on our sector, please think about joining our scheme – it is only 15 Euros every quarter. We also welcome any unwanted plants or decorative pots (chipped or broken is fine) to decorate the landscaped areas. Every donation to our bucket or raffle, every ticket sold for our social events, every payment to the Maintenance Scheme, and every contribution made by local businesses; they all contribute towards a caring community. Also, as part of that community, we ask you to please be vigilant; if you see any suspicious activity please get in touch; there has recently been yet more damage by out of control vehicles - all information will be treated confidentially, thank you.

Please save the date for our AGM at the Golf Club on 20th May. Further information is available on our chalkboards and Facebook, from John, our Chairman, on 634 325 427 or visit our Facebook page: Green Fingers Camposol.

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