November Edition- Lest we forget

Posted in News

11 Nov
November Edition- Lest we forget image 1

Dear Readers,

The month of November is a time for reflection and thoughtfulness. We think of the people who have affected our lives both past and present. Remembrance Day is a time when we honour courage. We all have friends and family who are front-line workers. I would like to show our appreciation of their bravery as our soldiers against the battles of today.

Before we know it, we will be forging ahead into the inevitable madness of the Christmas season. I would like to encourage us all to consider giving vouchers for local business’s as gifts this year. We all appreciate their efforts in adapting to the changing Covid regulations to offer us the services we all need.

I would like to say a big thank you as I have received some lovely comments and photos from our recipes which I would like to print in next month’s edition.

I would like to ask you to send in any of your Christmas recipes to share with us all? Making a gingerbread house on Christmas eve is a strong tradition in my household so if any of you do the same, please send in some photos? We would love to see them.

On that note, I will leave you read and enjoy…..

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