September Journal. Dear Readers....

Posted in News

1 Sep
September Journal. Dear Readers.... image 1

Dear Readers,

I hope you are having a lovely summer and coping with the extreme heat and humidity.

The Journal is developing and improving consistently and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the amazing people involved. Their enthusiasm and commitment is the heart of The Journal. The aim is to develop a magazine which is truly a community magazine for you.

I am over the moon to of received such a large number of responses with correct answers to where last months front cover is. Thank you all for your contact and you are absolutely correct….The front cover picture was the beautiful Fonts De Algar. The winners have all been emailed and a prize of a bottle of wine awaits them at The Camposol Business Centre.

The Journal is here for the community so I would very much like to hear from you with any community events, fundraisers and information. Please do not hesitate in contacting me.

I will now leave you to read and enjoy……

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