Shirley Fisher- Thoughts for Christmas

Posted in Property and legal news

8 Dec
Shirley Fisher- Thoughts for Christmas image 1


Yes - its that time of year again ! – present hunting and buying, what shall we have for Xmas dinner or who is going to whose house - no arguments please!

This Christmas will be different to those in PRE COVID 19 times that’s for sure!

Remember when we lived in the UK and all the stress which we put ourselves through each year, in order to co-ordinate everything along with our usual work responsibilities and household routines?! 

This time of the year is always an opportunity for reflection about a lot of things and we know that now there are a lot of families either here or in the UK who are in great difficulties caused either directly or indirectly by Covid 19. More than ever before, it can be a time of mixed feelings and a time of great loneliness for some people without family or friends. So its an opportunity for others to impart goodwill and think of others less fortunate than ourselves.

It can be a good opportunity to think about your legal and financial affairs and how to put them in order or at least to make a list addressing your concerns. These issues could involve anything at all ie property, Wills (Spanish or UK) tax or pension issues. I would urge you, for example, to look at your existing Wills and to ask whether they reflect your current wishes and circumstances and if a new Will is necessary. Maybe you want advice regarding a UK property or legal issue. Alternatively, maybe you want advice on your tax responsibilities as a property owner here in Spain; or need advice regarding your rights to monies in a private pension plan held in the UK. 

Maybe you need advice on investments, to be sure your money is doing the best for you – its important that your choice in this regard is one which is also tax efficient!

Tax INEFFICIENT investments benefit only 1 person – the Taxman!

Whatever the issue, dont hesitate to contact me so that an appointment can be arranged to discuss your concerns.

Shirley Ann Fisher FILEx. UK Lawyer & Commissioner for Oaths, Please email me at or ring my mobile 634053976

Camposol Business Centre, Calle Madrid, Sector A (next to Mariano’s Restaurant) .

Tel. 968 103 008 – leave a message with Corina, and I will get back to you as soon as I can. 

I would like to extend to all my clients past and future good health for the Christmas Season and the New Year – Feliz Navidad! 

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