by Marion Parmenter … any questions or to request a natal chart email … or go to Facebook page Whispers from Spirit where you will also find my Spirit inspired prose and words of wisdom and upliftment from myself and others.
This will be my last month of putting out the monthly horoscopes … I can’t believe I have done them for the year … the time has flown!
I have enjoyed the challenge of doing them and hope that many of you have enjoyed the read. Thankyou for you, the readers, for your interest and to Cathy for giving me the opportunity to put just one aspect of my work out there.
I wish her well with the coming editions in 2021 and everyone a Healthy, Happy and positive Christmas and New Year.
So … this month we have a pleasant relationship between the Sun and Mars both in fire signs, which shows that it is a good time to put energy into long term goals.
As mentioned last month, it should show that generally people just get on with the job at hand and that animosity starts to settle … I hope so, don’t you?!
Also, the Sun and Mercury are travelling together in Sagittarius indicating a desire for action and improvement of goals and aims for our future ... A coming together to talk about joint interests and a new understanding enabling those in the seats of power to work together.
Apart from that folks … no outstanding changes ... so …
Sagittarius … It is all systems go for you this month and life should be fun, fun, fun all the way from 10th. especially. This will also be when you find that getting your point across and speaking out will run smooth and be positive for you. You will also have the energy and drive to do this and get going on any goals you set for yourself so as they say … “Go Girl/Boy” the time is now.
Capricorn … Maybe recently you have been talking about your hopes and wishes with friends. Now is the time to be at home in your safe space/solitude to either think things through quietly/secretly to yourself or if you like to meditate listen to music or do whatever helps you to focus on your innermost thoughts/feelings/secrets. Maybe it is as simple as plans for the home but … whatever it is … do it alone.
Aquarius … Mixing with likeminded friends about your hopes and wishes is key this month for you. Communication is key for you anyway as an air sign, but it is really where all your energy will flow now. You will have a real need to mix with those friends, neighbours, and siblings whose company you enjoy. Whether it is chatting over a coffee, having a catchup over the phone or on the net … get involved as it will “light your fire” and give you a lift at this time.
Pisces … Talk and ideas to do with your position at work and/or your status in general will be at the forefront of your mind this month. You will not be shy and will quite happily be out in the public arena communicating your ideas and feeling more comfortable doing this than you usually are. Money may be flowing in or out and should not pose any problems as this is where your energy and attention will also be.
Aries … There is no stopping you this month as your ruler Mars is positive and strong so you will feel physically able to tackle whatever comes your way. You will want to just get on with everything and should work efficiently and quickly if you can get control and focus your energy. You may well be looking into study or investigating into how you could get the chance to follow a long-held goal or dream. On the other hand, it may be difficult to stay focused on one thing at a time and indeed remain in one place long enough. It is all good though as you will just … run with it!
Taurus … There may be frustrations held deep inside you this month as there appears to be a lot of energy that is not being expressed. This will be either anger, restrictions, or confinement. It may involve the finances of someone significant in your life or some money that is tied up in business, an insurance or inheritance. However, if you just find an outlet for those pent-up feelings and remember that communication is all important now all should get sorted without too much trauma.
Gemini … Your mind has literally been working overtime over the last few weeks and it has literally felt like really hard work. Now it is time to get those ideas that you have been sitting with, out there. Not in the public domain but to the significant other whether s/he is business or personal partner, now is the perfect time to communicate your thoughts with them. You may also be busy with friends investing a lot of your energy in them, but it is all good.
Cancer … This month you will come out of your shell and won’t mind putting your energy “out there”, using it to improve your position/standing in life and taking a chance to let people know who you are. It will feel like hard work trying to express your ideas/goals and wishes but keep your head held high and soldier on to get your point across as it will be worth it in the long run and all that energy you put in … will pay off.
Leo … You will have been going over some studies or looking into different unfamiliar areas over some time now and it is set to continue but in a much more energised and positive way. Now, is a time to take that chance as you will attract a younger audience who may be ready to listen and invest in a project that you have wanted to push forward with. If this isn’t you, it will be a time for enjoying fun and games with children and letting your inner child go crazy doing what you would call the “silly stuff”.
Virgo … There will be lots of communicating at home within or about your circle of family. This could be about money to do with siblings or inheritance etc. There could also be some secrets that pop out of the closet … not necessarily bad but maybe general gossip within family. You may expend a lot of energy, concerning yourself with issues over money. Not your money but that to do with your partner, either business or significant other or to do with an insurance/windfall situation.
Libra … You will concentrate your energy around you significant other or business partner this month and may even feel the need to treat them or pay for something, giving them support financially. There will also be lots of communication with those around you be they neighbours or siblings. Be aware that there may be things that you know but need to bite your tongue about and not get too involved in the gossip … even though it may seem like innocent gossip ... remember “loose lips sink ships”!
Scorpio … Improving your standing financially comes into the spotlight this month and you will be working hard to keep finances in order. This could be difficult as you could get carried away with the energy you feel to acquire things now so … try to control those wild horses! You will be determined to get those things that you have wanted/wished for and will go to great lengths to explain your vision or goal ... That’s ok everything is possible if you just stay in control.
Author: The Journal
The Journal offers news from around the Costa Cálida hub aswell as provide you with activities and events from the area, properties for sale and rent and much more.
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