14 New Year’s Resolutions for your Mind, Body, & Soul

Posted in Mind Body & Spirit

12 Jan
14 New Year’s Resolutions for your Mind, Body, & Soul image 1

14 New Year’s Resolutions for your Mind, Body, & Soul

Does the thought of keeping your 2021 New Year’s resolutions have you feeling stressed out? Making improvements in your life doesn’t have to feel like a chore. Taking just one small step each week can lead to big improvements and make lifestyle changes more manageable.

It’s not too late to make 2021 the year of a happier and healthier you. 

Exercise– Find an exercise that you enjoy and start doing it daily- move naturally every day; take the steps, not the escalator or elevator; buy a pedometer and challenge yourself every day to do more. Exercise boosts your mood and can help you feel better, it gives you more energy and helps you live longer.

  • Be grateful– Being happy doesn’t make you grateful; being grateful makes you happy. Stop and appreciate the beautiful things in your life daily- say thank you more, respect more, consider more; it is contagious.
  • Get plenty of sleep– Sleep is regenerative for your body. The more sleep you get, the better you will feel and perform the next day. Studies show that sleep can improve your memory and improve overall health. Check out Apps to help you get your Zzzzzs.
  • Try aromatherapy and breathe deeply– Every time you think of it, stop, take a deep breath and love life. Enjoy the scents and the healing power of herbs like lavender, peppermint and vanilla.
  • Ground yourself and get outdoors more– Plant your feet on the dirt of the earth as often as possible. Go for a hike, and enjoy nature.
  • Do more yoga, meditation and think about acupuncture– More than 20 million Americans meditate regularly according to the 2007 National Health Interview Study. About 13 million do yoga, which has been shown to relieve pain, anxiety and stress. Acupuncture promotes wellness and according to the world health organization treats many conditions including joint, back and neck pain.
  • Fail– Don’t be afraid; failure is healthy. It helps us to learn, and reflect upon the failure and try to correct it. Keep trying. Life is about lessons so don’t be afraid to try new things. Failure doesn’t weaken you it makes you stronger. Thomas Edison said, “Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”
  • Smile more and love more– Smiling feels great and is a universal language. You are beautiful when you smile. Love yourself and show others that you love them. Studies show a smile can lower heart rate, reduce stress, improve your mood, increase productivity, kill pain, boost your immune system, and most importantly makes you look younger!
  • Spend more time with loved ones– In our busy lives, we must make time for the people who matter to us most. Designate a “quality time day” to take a look at your life’s priorities and remember… it is the journey not the destination.
  • Find and live your passion– Discover yourself by building healthy respectful relationships, making positive life choices, and doing more of what you love. Set goals; start a hobby; and make a bucket list.
  • Drink more water– Water is healthy, low calorie and an essential nutrient for your body. Replace high calorie beverages with water to aid in weight loss!
  • Eat plenty of fresh greens– Ditch the canned veggies; frozen is better. Dark leafy greens are excellent sources of fiber, folate and antioxidants which have been shown to protect against certain types of cancer such as pancreatic, colorectal, mouth and larynx. Multivitamins won’t prevent heart attacks, strokes or cancer, or help you live longer, but a healthy diet will.
  • Give more, be compassionate– Find a charity that you believe in, and then give of yourself (not just your money). The rewards are amazing. Supporting a cause keeps you informed of social injustice, strengthens your spiritual life, and improves your overall sense of well-being.
  • Finally, put down the smart phone, get off the computer, turn off the TV, take off the headphones, stop the noise- Don’t let life pass you by; look at each other, talk, listen, feel, enjoy, read a story, play charades or monopoly, get in the moment or just…….. be.

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